It’s such a pleasure to have some good news and positivity to share amidst all of the twists and turns 2020 has thrown our way. My good friend Annie Unrein and her crew are raising money and awareness for Breast Cancer research. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to participate!
I feel strongly that it’s important to be informed about Breast Cancer. As someone who has family members that have been affected, I care deeply about spreading awareness. I’m so grateful for the ByAnnie Team for sharing this cause so passionately each year. You can read my #SewPink post from last year here. Here’s a little more information about the journey of breast cancer research thus far:
In honor of this occasion, I decided to make a project featuring lots of pink! I chose my most recent bag pattern—the Truvy bag.
I made this Truvy Bag out of Alison Glass’s fabric collection Handiwork. I loved all the little graphics of cute sewing items such as safety pins, bobbins, scissors, and more!
I couldn’t resist filling this Truvy Bag with these darlings WonderFil Perle cotton threads from Alison Glass’s Sun collections and lots of other pink things.
I hope you will check out the incredible makers that shared before me and the many talented makers who have yet to share. Follow the schedule below:
✂ Oct. 1 (Thur): Mister Domestic
✂ Oct. 5 (Mon): Sewfinity
✂ Oct. 7 (Wed): Great Heron Thread
✂ Oct. 9 (Friday): Knot and Thread
✂ Oct. 12 (Mon): Snuggles Quilts
✂ Oct. 14 (Wed): A Bright Corner
✂ Oct. 16 (Fri): Susan Quilts
✂ Oct. 19 (Mon): HUGS’N KISSES
✂ Oct. 20 (Tues): Sallie Tomato
✂ Oct. 22 (Thur): Nancy Scott
✂ Oct. 23 (Fri): Meadow Mist
✂ Oct. 26 (Mon): LoveYouSew
✂ Oct. 27 (Tue): Teresa Coates
✂ Oct. 31 (Sat): Sue O’Very/Sookie Sews
The #SewPink Initiative was created by LLC to raise awareness for breast cancer throughout the year. Our efforts culminate in an annual blog hop during October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month to promote self-care, awareness, early detection and support for those affected by breast cancer.
To learn more and see the calendar of events visit:
To find screenings available near you:
To donate directly to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation visit:!/donation/checkout