Quilted Works so graciously opened there classroom for a wonderful service sewing evening.
I have had fabric cut and ready to be sewn into some beautiful table runners for about 2 years now. (No one else does that right? 2 years!!?!) These beautiful African fabrics were shared with me by my lovely friend Pam who has travelled all over Africa and collected material along her journey. She graciously shared some of her treasured materials to be sewn and donated to the Mothers Without Border’s fundraiser boutique sale. Finally I saw all these wonderful fabrics come into being.
I offered this class, free to whomever wanted to come learn a new technique, and share good company. The materials were provided, all that was asked was just a smile, a few hours and a lot of love. That was exactly what was given by these sweet women. I am so grateful for all those who came to support that evening.
I don’t put into words much how much I love to create, but it is truly one of my favorite things in the whole world. My second favorite thing probably being, watching and helping others create. I have loved being able to teach and share the excitement of creating with so many people in my life. This night was added once again to my love for humanity.
What a blessing to watch these sweet friends of mine and their willingness to give of themselves and serve others.
It was exciting to see so many completed table runners! I can’t thank all these wonderful women enough!
This Fundraiser Boutique happens every year between end of October, beginning of November ish. This year it will be held on October 24-25th in Salt Lake City at the Greek Orthodox Church. The boutique is always a wonderful opportunity to see some incredible handiwork crafted by some of the absolutely sweetest Zambians. It is a great opportunity to support the good works that Mothers Without Borders does for so many each year. I feel so blessed in my association with this beautiful organization.